PITAKA Designer Program

Designer Program

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PITAKA Designer Program

Why We Offer These Deals for Designers

PITAKA is an innovation-driven company in product design and materials. We believe that good design will allow technology to affect people's lives without people's awareness, both artwork, and products. Thus, to better encourage the most innovated group, we love to offer this special discount for the Designer.

Submit Your Designer Profile

Save Extra 5% For
Your iPad

By bulk buying at least one of the following products in 3 units

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PITAKA Designer Program

Make Your iPad A Monitor And Laptop

Put it on the stand, connect it to your iMac and keep working. You might not notice that your iPad is being charged! When not connected to an iMac, simply mount it up with MagEZ Stand and use it as a laptop.

Drawing Anytime Anywhere

With MagEZ Folio, not only can you protect your iPad, but draw on your iPad at a comfortable angle. Design becomes easier.